Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Whoa, This is Big.

I'm an aunt. Just as the last of the sun's fingertips were disappearing beneath the overwhelming darkness, my father walked up to my mother and I while practicing volleyball. A strange look twisted his face. Talking to my mother he says,
"So, how do you feel about being a grandmother."
Initially the words are incomprehensible. Then quickly my mother and I, simultaneous, understand the foreign words. Shocked, I look at my father with a truely silly grin and ask,
"Jingwan is pregnant."
My father nods. Vito, my oldest brother, a month ago married Jingwan, a former college mate. In our front yard the wedding was intensely hot and beautiful. My mother planted blooming flowers around the aisle and the wedding arc. After a few days, the couple spent a two week honeymoon in Tuscany, Italy. Having returned to their home in Baltimore, Vito called my dad with the shaking news. The first thought that flashed through my head is I'm a sixteen-year-old aunt. My shock and uncertainty about this news was little compared to my brothers and Jingwans questions. I punched the volleyball through the air for a couple more minutes but didn't notice when the ball skewed. I'm a sixteen-year-old aunt. Within minutes I decide I'm going to be the cool aunt.


  1. Your a fantastic writer. I truly love this. You did a great job. I'm sure that was shocking news. You clearly expressed that and thats awesome! Good job! I look forward to reading more of your blogs! (:

  2. I am quite sure you will be the cool aunt.
