Sunday, October 23, 2011

Description, Discription, Description

So I wrote this over the week for a class. It's just a portion of the paper.

 Various trees bow to make a dome over me and frame the single spot of visible sky: a train of clouds with white steam puffing from the engine and a gliding hawk for the conductor. Agitating the glittering elm above me, a frisky breeze sets the tree aquiver, spooks the drowsy leaves, and jostles the arthritic branches. The scent of a peculiar lichen that grows on broken rocks cruises aimlessly on the whims of this playful wind. I close my eyes and let the garden shock my senses.
A blue jay sings to his mate; his twittering fills the air with a pleasant melody. Sailing by my ear, a lone bee hums a tune in harmony with the buzzing of his wings. He moves from clover to clover with a steadiness in his work; he seems aware of only the sweet nectar he is extracting and the notes to his song.  Hopping on my arm, two crickets gossip in soft chirps. Eyes flickering open, I feel a ladybug waltzing across the smooth white floor of my forehead; my skin tingles with her gentle dancing. Rising from my peaceful meditation, I continue my stroll along the snaking path.

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