Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What I Really Want

You know what I really want to do. Of you course you don't. Anyway, I really want to learn how to surf. I mean I really really want to. I know how to snowboard and do that. I mean you should see the the skid marks I make on our grass, I've given up on snow. However, I've decided when I visit my brother in California in a few weeks we are going to the beach and I'm going to learn. The other thing I want to do after that is to rock climb. I'm not talking about the rock climbing wall in the big bang theory; I mean on a real cliff with some eminent danger. I have done some climbing on real cliffs but that was different. While we were in France this women toke my two brothers and I via ferraring (don't think that's how you spell it) on this very sheer cliff; in fact, it was so steep that my mom who is extremely athletic decided that even she didn't want to do. At one point we were climbing horizontally rather than up. A couple hundred feet in the air there was this bridge that you had to cross. But it wasn't a bridge so much as a tight wire with only a really high wire to hold on to which poses a problem if your short like me. Even though that was really fun it wasn't exactly rock climbing so that's still on my list of the thing I want to do. So watch out, in a little bit you may see my name in the new paper on the front page as the most talented surfer and rock climber... and then in the obituaries.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mary! Your name I never will see in the obituaries, since I will undoubtably die way before you ever will. My death won't be as romantically written: WOMAN DIES CHOKING OVER HER CHICKEN SOUP.
    See, not as interesting.
    I have cousins in California that surf and it took them years... but I'm sure you could learn in a week.
