Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Dream about You (well alot of you)

So I'm going to tell you about a little dream of mine because a lot of people from homelink and Mrs. Musick's class are in it. Just to be clear this was a dream so what ever happened is in it is not real and should not be judged with on the people in it because I'll say right now not many of you are the good guys in this dream. O and one more thing to be clear on is that I most probably will not spell your name right. Let me begin,

We (everyone) are all going on a camping trip to a forest/ fun park. We huddle around a campfire burning marshmallows and listening to Keven Hirsh tell a harrowing story about a house, a ghost, and a potato. After we had scared and warmed ourselves, we run to this gigantic play castle with moats, ladders, rock climbing walls, slides, and cannons. I start climbing the wall when Joel Brown kicks me, and I fall on top of David Tate. Scrambling after Joel Brown, I make it up the wall. When I pull my self over the top, Brianna trys to push me down again by tackling me but I dodge and accidentally trip Kelli Clark, who falls down the wall and again on David Tate who falls on Tim Segrist. When we are done having our fun, we all gather together and are directed to do some parent game. As the parents are ordering us, I see Matt Segrist and Laurel Bader sneak off. I, curious, slink after them. Going through a small forest, we arrive at these big doors. While we are walking, I find out that Matt and Laurel are dating. Laurel get made at me because she thinks I am trying to steal Matt from her and she starts trying to throw me into the black lake. OK, so the lake was behind the door and after we opened them that's when she started trying to kill me. Sprinting, I try to out run Laural but she's getting closer. I try to climb a cliff to get away from her but I can't; now she has my foot. I turn around and push her off the ridge and into the water. Matt didn't link this. Now he's chasing me. I run out of the room and through the wood till I get back to our camp and find people. I run up to Hannah Musick, Stephine Steen, Staci Pitts, Brittany Pitts, Kelli Clark, Brianna Hall, Lindsey Jessop, and Christina Lawson and beg for help. I tell them that Matt's right behind me. I hear him coming so I run out of the room and make a circle to try to hear what he is saying to the group of girls. I leaves and I run back to them but apparently Matt had told them we were dating which made them all jealose so now they try to kill me. Hannah starts making a wooden pole to burn me on because now I'm a witch while Stephine and the rest of the girls pile on me and hold me down. I manage to free my hand and punch Stephine and tackle Hannah. While I barge through the rest of the girls I run upstairs to get away from the girls now. When I get upstairs I try to tell what happened to me and that I'm being chased to all the parents that are sitting together but Josiah Vandermaas tells the parents that I'm lying. Josiah convinces them which makes me think he was in on the plan with Matt. Anyway... that's where I wake up.

Yeah so I didn't proof read it at all so yeah.


  1. Are you sure it is all a dream?

  2. Sounds like a game of Mummy on the trampoline, only with more people. For the record, I would never construct a wooden pole on which to burn your lovely self for being an accused witch. ;)

  3. Punched ME???? Why on earth? Ok, if you attempted to Kill Laurel I'd be very miffed! But to pin you down to burn you on the stake? Sounds like a British Class to me. :)
