Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What I Really Want

You know what I really want to do. Of you course you don't. Anyway, I really want to learn how to surf. I mean I really really want to. I know how to snowboard and do that. I mean you should see the the skid marks I make on our grass, I've given up on snow. However, I've decided when I visit my brother in California in a few weeks we are going to the beach and I'm going to learn. The other thing I want to do after that is to rock climb. I'm not talking about the rock climbing wall in the big bang theory; I mean on a real cliff with some eminent danger. I have done some climbing on real cliffs but that was different. While we were in France this women toke my two brothers and I via ferraring (don't think that's how you spell it) on this very sheer cliff; in fact, it was so steep that my mom who is extremely athletic decided that even she didn't want to do. At one point we were climbing horizontally rather than up. A couple hundred feet in the air there was this bridge that you had to cross. But it wasn't a bridge so much as a tight wire with only a really high wire to hold on to which poses a problem if your short like me. Even though that was really fun it wasn't exactly rock climbing so that's still on my list of the thing I want to do. So watch out, in a little bit you may see my name in the new paper on the front page as the most talented surfer and rock climber... and then in the obituaries.


So I've decided I need to get into more trouble. When I was younger I was the average kid. I did all my homework except my math (I mean who didn't cheat on their math and look at the answers in the back. Hannah we all heard the story about "answers may vary"). I complained about writing and then when I was forced to do so anyway I would write, "I hate writing. I hate writing. This is so stupid. Why do I have to do this." Then after that stage of life I started getting into a lot of trouble. I mean either I was doing something stupid, or I was just plain stupid. In fact I was getting into so much trouble that I started to not like it. I mean there is only so much guilt that someone wants to feel. After a while it's not that much fun anymore. So that's when I started working harder, becoming smarter, and just over all becoming a better person. But don't worry that's all over now.

Does it get better than this? I really hope so.

What to blog about? O okay I thought of something. I have been driving for more than a year now and I could have gotten my license a while ago; however, I always seem to be doing something but finally today I got around to it. So I go to the licensing administrating place and I know it is a bad day to do this because all of the people there are all unhappy that it is Valentines day. Seems people don't like Valentines day when they're single. Shocking! Anyway a women comes out and tells me she's my licensor (licenser?). I'm going to give some advice here. If you going to get your license and your evaluator is a women go home. I'm not really sure if this advice applies to guys but if your a girl, leave. Anyway, I end up failing the test. I did everything perfect except that I didn't do a head check while I drive, but if you know anything about having a double mirror you know that there are no blind spots to check. But whatever I'm still going back in a couple days to try again and if I fail again I'm going to have to resort to the Italian way: mafia style and hunt her down.